Adam Peaty and other British swimmers said there needs to be a level playing field after 23 Chinese swimmers escaped ...
Victor Conte, the founder of BALCO, supplied an untraceable designer steroid to athletes who dominated the 2000 Sydney ...
The United States is at risk of losing both the 2028 Summer and 2034 Winter Olympics if American law enforcement over reaches ...
To compete in the 2024 Summer Olympic Games that kick off next week in Paris, the world's top athletes must follow strict ...
The row has rocked swimming in 2024 with the likes of Adam Peaty and Michael Phelps voicing their concern about a lack of ...
British swimmers, including Adam Peaty, have called for a level playing field after 23 Chinese swimmers who tested positive ...
Dutch swimmer Arno Kamminga described the case of the 23 Chinese swimmers testing positive for a banned drug as a "lose-lose ...
Adam Peaty and other British swimmers are calling for a level playing field after 23 Chinese swimmers tested positive for a ...
Few athletes will be under as much scrutiny at the Paris Olympics as the swimmers from China. Belated revelations that nearly ...
Victor Conte is a sports coach who designed doping programs with world-class athletes. Through his platform, the Bay Area ...
The World Anti-Doping Agency did not mishandle or show favoritism in the case of 23 Chinese swimmers who tested positive for ...
LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) — Weightlifters Mohamed Mahmoud of Egypt and Alexandr Spac of Moldova have returned adverse ...