Since Russia's war on Ukraine, Kremlin critics have been targeted by several laws in a bid to keep them quiet - from banning ...
Since the invasion of Ukraine, India has gained significant leverage over Russia, though one analyst warns New Delhi is ...
Russia’s Putin and China’s Xi have noted glaring gaps in America’s security, especially following the attempted assassination ...
The image was shown as part of montage praising Trump for meeting with "adversaries " of the U.S while president.
One youth organization, the "Fraternity of the Academics," opposes Ukrainian statehood and views Russia as a "third Rome." ...
The arc of American foreign policy could be moving closer to the Russian president’s view of it. But he has been wrong before ...
As Europe awakens to the stark realisation that an isolationist White House under Donald Trump is no longer an implausible ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping are "smart, tough," leaders who "love their country," Trump ...
As Ukraine grows bolder in striking targets deep inside Russia, Moscow has quietly upped the security measures around ...
German journalist association Netzwerk Recherche has expelled Hubert Seipel from its membership, after the biographer of ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told a summit of 50 European leaders north of Oxford, England, that Russian aggression ...
Russia has installed several air defense systems to protect Putin's Valdai Palace — which is causing problems elsewhere, ...