The up­shot of the Supreme Court’s re­cent rul­ing on pres­i­den­tial im­mu­nity in Trump v. United States is that the ...
Our choice for president of the United States this November will have far-reaching impacts on the U.S. Supreme Court and our entire judicial system. Voters should be asking themselves: What ...
Brazilian Justice Kassio Nunes Marques said the full Supreme Court will make the final decision on a case filed by a ...
Decisions about healthcare belong to patients, their doctors, and their families—not politicians,” said Rep. Mark Pocan. As ...
Amicus briefs filed by state attorneys general, members of Congress and major medical associations have all put forth ...
Las Vegas is asking the Nevada Supreme Court to review one of four cases related to its legal battle with the would-be ...
The Arkansas Supreme Court has dismissed former lawyer Oscar Stilley's lawsuit against Secretary of State John Thurston over ...
A United States District Court (Idaho) (“Court”) in an August 29th Memorandum Decision and Order (“Order”) addressed an issue arising out of a ...
The Supreme Court has rejected Oklahoma’s emergency appeal seeking to restore a $4.5 million grant for family planning ...