This may sound bizarre, but it’s not uncommon for insect fragments—including their heads, bodies, and legs—to accidentally ...
up to 60 aphids in 100 grams of frozen broccoli or 550 insect fragments per average box of pasta. In inspectors’ view, bugs happen. Cochineal extract has few restrictions, provided it’s ...
More than 2 billion people regularly eat insects—on purpose. They're a great source of protein for communities around the ...
You may have got more than you paid for if you’ve bought pasta recently. Insect fragments, rodent hair, pesticide residue and toxins from mould have been detected in samples of dried pasta sold ...
More than 2 billion people worldwide regularly eat insects. For many, bugs are a common part of their diet and even ...
Rangers at Carlsbad Caverns National Park in southern New Mexico describe it as a “world-changing” event for the tiny ...
In the US, producers adhere to a " Defects Levels Handbook," which sets out the maximum number of foreign bodies like maggots, insect fragments and mould that can be in food products before they ...
It's been 20 years since a paper in the journal Science showed the environmental accumulation of tiny plastic fragments and ...
If the plant disappears, so does the insect. Species also dwindle when they are trapped in tiny and remote fragments of ...
Staff at Caverns National Park in New Mexico scorned the unknown visitor and warned how the Cheetos bag could ‘have a huge impact’ on the bat and insect population ...
The insects need no fertiliser or pesticides and produce very low emissions. The larvae's excretions produce nutritious fertiliser that is not contaminated with plastic fragments, because the ...