AI represents the third major technology cycle of the past 50 years, according to a survey conducted by BofA*"Investments in ...
The pharma industry has been in a real economic and financial boom for 20 years, which is supported by recent technical ...
The global revenue of the pharmaceutical industry was about 1.6 trillion dollars, according to data published in the American ...
Sectors such as energy, shipping, and finance can offer attractive investment opportunities, considering the current ...
*"Investors should not react emotionally during periods of high volatility"There are chances that in the second half of the ...
"History has shown that over longer periods of time, all declines in the stock markets have been recovered and overcome"*"In ...
The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) and the British judiciary are protecting the illegal businesses of oligarchs from the former ...
Our stock market is experiencing the most severe correction in the last two years, after a massive increase in indices ...
European Court of Auditors: "Some measures, "green' on paper, are not so "green' in reality" *The European Court of Auditors ...
"The reaction of the stock markets is not necessarily correlated in the short term with the fundamentals of the companies"*"I ...
European MEPs are in a dilemma, because according to the European Action Plan to fight cancer, alcohol consumption is harmful ...
The Sovereign Investment Fund proposed by the Simion Plan should be established according to the Proprietatea Fund model, ...