Fredi Beleris has been removed as mayor of Himara, Albania without being sworn in following a decision by the electoral ...
Ancient Greece was a culturally rich place with fascinating festivals that sometimes were even secret like this one where men ...
New research suggests that fire from the sky in the form of a small asteroid annihilated a city near the Dead Sea 3,600 years ...
Cyprus has a new public space observatory that has opened on the Troodos Mountains with clear views of the skies, attracting ...
The Y chromosome, which determines the male sex, is degenerating in humans. This may mean the end of the species.
Ancient Greek quotes appear on some of the most prominent buildings in the world, whether on a historical building or ...
Princess Lalla Salma of Morocco is on vacation in Mykonos with her son, heir to the throne, Moulay Hassan. A huge motorcade ...
Archeologists have uncovered the ruins of a Byzantine church dating back to the 5th century at Harran, southeastern Turkey.
The ancient Tunnel of Eupalinos on the island of Samos, Greece is considered a marvel of engineering and craftsmanship.
Eruptions at Italy’s Mount Etna and the smaller Stromboli volcano spewed hot ash and lava, raising alert levels on the ...
Greece's first helicopter airline, launched in late June by Hoper, offers customers the opportunity to easily travel to 11 ...
A team of Australian and Indonesian scientists have discovered the oldest figurative cave art in the world in Indonesia.