The actress from Part One: coattails flying as you walk past.” ...
The knight in shining armor, or in this case the Dark Knight, is the hope that there is someone who can remain good no matter ...
“ The change with After Virtue, however, is that in an important sense [MacIntyre] turns against modernity as a whole. He ...
“We need more visionaries and integrated fields…because just as the human body is a complex interplay of atomic, molecular, ...
“Ever human-centric/We self-aggrandized/Anthropomorphized/And now agonize.” ...
“He was flanked by fields of dead sunflowers that could not be harvested because of the renewed Russian offensive.” The driver pulled up alongside him and stopped the truck. From our perch in the bed, ...
“But enhancing the experience of children with incarcerated parents does not require a wholesale restructuring of prisons. Most parents in prison desperately want more contact with their kids, hoping ...