Led by associate professor Caree Banton and adjunct lecturer Edvan Brito, the course will offer a thorough examination of the foundational sociocultural elements underpinning Brazilian society.
The USDA-NIFA grant will support a 32-person research team at 12 institutions co-directed by Renee Threlfall and Margaret Worthington of the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station.
After teaching English in Italy as part of SITE Internship, Vaughn is pursuing her master's degree in Italian through Middlebury College and aims to study at Middlebury's Florence campus.
Researchers invite adults between 18-29 years of age to take a brief survey about the extent of their existing nutritional knowledge as well as an assessment of risk levels related to eating patterns ...
Assistant professors Chris Nelson, Kevin Murach and Jian Zhang will discuss the results of their research at 12:55 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 18, in Bell Engineering 2267.
U of A economist Mervin Jebaraj and Northwest Arkansas Council CEO Nelson Peacock will unveil the annual State of the Northwest Arkansas Region Report this October.
The U of A is joining businesses and institutions throughout the region to present the I-49 Corridor Workforce Summit on Oct. 10 at the Ledger in Bentonville.
U of A students, faculty and staff can learn more about study abroad opportunities through a slate of events occurring on campus this month, kicking off with the Study Abroad Fair on Sept. 19.
University Housing welcomes the campus community to a voter registration event and mayoral candidate meet-and-greet from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. today outside the Arkansas Union Mall.
Ranil Wickramasinghe, distinguished professor in the Ralph E. Martin Department of Chemical Engineering, will give a seminar titled "Development of membrane based operations for emerging separations ...
Sajder, director of International and Global Studies and section head of Italian, was recently awarded the Tiro a Segno Fellowship at New York University.
Sarah Rodríguez's new comparative history of the U.S. and Mexico, One National Family, challenges assumptions and places Texas at the center of both countries' shared path to modern nationhood.