As organizations rush headlong into digital transformation initiatives, a critical factor often gets overlooked: data quality ...
Part I When I finished my last article, “Metaphors, Meadows, MUNCH, and Models of the Large Language Kind,” I stated my ...
There is no nationwide federal law in the U.S. that specifically regulates the development, deployment, and use of AI in the ...
The term “governance” has become so widely used that it has lost much of its impact and precision. Originally, governance ...
I call it a “data crime” when someone is abusing or misusing data. When we understand these stories and their implications, ...
The term “governance” has become so widely used that it has lost much of its impact and precision. Originally, governance… ...
Well, of course, metadata is data. Our standard definition explicitly says that metadata is data describing other data. So why… ...
If you haven’t heard about metrics stores yet, they’re “newish,” so you likely will. They are interesting to an extent,… ...
For decades, we’ve heard the same refrain: “Change management is crucial for project success.” Yet leaders have nodded politely and ignored… ...
In the digital age, businesses rely on high-quality, easily accessible data to guide all manner of decisions and encourage ...
In the rapidly evolving landscape of data management, the concept of data products has emerged as a cornerstone for effective data utilization and governance. Industry experts have shed light on the ...
In boardrooms across the globe, executives are gleefully signing off on multi-million-dollar investments in data infrastructure. Big data! AI! Machine learning! But here’s the inconvenient truth ...