Diagnoses of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) jumped up in recent years, especially among older Americans, according to ...
Florida Satanists are volunteering to fill school counselor roles after Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) signed a law allowing religious ...
Anti-abortion groups are backing the GOP’s official 2024 platform after previously warning the Trump campaign against ...
Republican strategist Karl Rove suggested former President Trump and his team are celebrating as President Biden doubles down ...
A Delaware judge heard arguments Monday over a massive and unprecedented fee request by lawyers who successfully argued that ...
The White House on Monday faced a round of intense questions about a neurologist who specializes in Parkinson’s disease who ...
Democratic strategist James Carville is arguing that former Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama should play roles in ...
Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (Ill.), the No. 2-ranking member of the Senate Democratic leadership, on Monday said ...
California must retire existing heavy-duty trucks to meet the state’s 2045 carbon neutrality goals, in addition to promoting ...
Click in for more news from The Hill{beacon} Health Care Health Care   The Big Story Anti-abortion groups reconcile with RNC ...
Welcome to The Hill’s Business & Economy newsletter {beacon} Business & Economy Business & Economy The Big Story  Boeing to ...
An ex-national security adviser to former Vice President Mike Pence said Sunday that former President Trump’s attempts to ...