Distinguished Heads of Mission, dear colleagues and friends, When it comes to world politics, we are living in turbulent times. As pointed out in the recent Report on Finnish Foreign and Security ...
The Government’s action plan published in June includes 30 actions that support the employment of Ukrainians. Communication in Ukrainians’ native language is increased and their transition to ...
Minister Anders Adlercreutz: "For us, it is important to strengthen the Nordic countries’ resilience to crisis and to promote comprehensive and wide-ranging preparedness for various crises and hybrid ...
Welcome to the Annual Meeting of Heads of Mission. It is of great value that we have this opportunity again to meet face to face and to take a look at the upcoming year. I would like to extend my ...
Distinguished Ambassadors, Dear Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen, “Russia’s most tenacious adversary was the semi-European Ottoman Empire: not because it posed a direct threat to Russia, but because ...
The campaign against racism, carried out as part of the Government’s statement on promoting equality, gender equality and non-discrimination, invites all communities, companies, associations and ...
The number of applications increased slightly from the previous year while the processing times for permits shortened significantly. In the first part of 2024, 15,959 people applied for the first ...
Mr. President, Excellences, distinguished participants, It is an honour to address the Human Rights Council. As a Council Bureau member, you can count on Finland’s commitment to promote the ...
We are now beginning the parliamentary work for 2022 after Finland’s first ever county election. The health and social services reform, which has been deliberated on by several governments, was ...