A White House spokesperson said there are differences that remain between the two sides, even after Hamas softened its ...
Egypt’s liquidity crisis has been alleviated by recent investment from the United Arab Emirates and help from the ...
While this year's summit is expected to focus largely on the ongoing war in Ukraine, Iran's military support for Russia and ...
Turkey has repeatedly targeted alleged PKK operatives in Sinjar in recent years in a bid to eliminate the group’s hold over ...
Saudi Arabia is a major destination for the amphetamine Captagon, though seizures have decreased recently due to more ...
Riding donkey carts, bicycles or on foot, thousands of Palestinians fled Gaza City on Monday, after Israel issued a third ...
Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar traveled to Cairo to advance a deal that would see a cease-fire in Gaza and the release of the ...
Shady websites calling for a boycott of Qatar, a New York billboard targeting the Gulf state's rulers, and a Vietnamese ...
The Israeli military on Monday expanded an evacuation order for Gaza City, with a new wave of residents fleeing the territory ...
From the revival of the nuclear deal and fixing the battered economy to easing hijab restrictions and improving women's ...
Thousands of Moroccans demonstrated Sunday in the northern city of Tangier in support of the Palestinian people and against ...
BEIRUT — Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah on Friday hosted a Hamas delegation in Beirut led by Khalil al-Hayya, ...