Archival data from the Cassini spacecraft yielded new clues to three strange oceans on the surface of the planet’s largest ...
How these distant worlds became hot Jupiters is still not fully understood but an exoplanet's unique orbit may hold clues.
Thursday, July 25 The Moon now passes 0.6° north of Neptune at 11 A.M. EDT. The planet rises around 11 P.M. local daylight ...
Temperature is a measure of the average energy of a collection of particles. So, to answer a question about temperature, we ...
UHZ1’s light has traveled 13.2 billion light-years - a longer light-travel time than any other known black hole.
A new study published in Nature adds to the case that lunar caves are a strong option to protect future permanent outposts on ...
What if a tablespoonful of a neutron star was brought to Earth? Caroline Adams Portland, Oregon. Before we can know what ...
NASA has approved a next-stage study of fluidic telescope technology, which could ultimately dwarf today's best space ...
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 smashed into Jupiter in 1994, creating an explosion thousands of times more potent than Earth's ...
The paths of seven fast-moving stars in the center of the cluster indicate the presence of an intermediate-mass black hole.
The Advanced Imaging Conference plans to fund a new, accredited introductory freshman-level community college course in ...
To live on Mars, humans will need liquid water, food, shelter and a thick, protective atmosphere with enough oxygen to ...