Women have closed the “gender promotion gap” since the covid-19 pandemic but male doctors from abroad are now less likely to be promoted to consultant level than their British trained male ...
A lack of investment is creating a two tier system in the NHS that is failing children because of the long waits they are facing to be treated, paediatricians have warned. Despite children being ...
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) have warned doctors to be vigilant as the Oropouche virus spreads to new countries.1 The first ...
Jonathan Finnoff, chief medical officer of the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee, tells The BMJ what it’s like to be a medic for an Olympic team For the US team we’re taking care of nearly 600 ...
In a Swedish longitudinal study, older women with type 2 diabetes had a 25% higher risk of bony fracture than women without diabetes. Since women with diabetes had higher bone mineral density and ...
This is vernal keratoconjunctivitis, a chronic, bilateral, and often seasonal allergic inflammation of the conjunctiva characterised by papillae on the inner eyelid and throughout the limbus (fig 1).1 ...
The UK parliament returns this week, with the government facing several major challenges. High among these is the dire financial shortfall experienced by local authorities (doi:10.1136/bmj.q1699).1 An ...
GPs have long seen the effects of council funding crises in their surgeries: from the effects of poor housing to the long tail of insufficient spending on public health programmes. Sally Howard speaks ...
Assemblies can help provide a mandate for bold government action on health The UK’s Labour government inherited a health service with waiting list times at a record high and public satisfaction at a ...
As we come to rely on machines more in healthcare, the role of the doctor will need to fill those areas where machines are less proficient, writes Daniel Sokol Last month, I was teaching ethics to ...
The expansion of NHS surgical hubs in England should be “turbocharged,” as new research indicates that they can play a big role in cutting waiting lists, the Royal College of Surgeons of England has ...
Protecting the lives of children in Gaza and other conflicts requires changes to the rules of engagement and global responses ...