Across our reserves we're protecting more than 9,000 native species. Get to know some of these species, such as the Greater Glider, the Night Parrot ...
Bush Heritage has secured a $1.6 million Federal Government grant to work with eVorta and Timberscope to develop innovative ...
We own and manage nature reserves covering around 1.4 million hectares of land throughout Australia. We also work with ...
Brush-tailed Phascogales are nocturnal and rarely seen. However, numbers are declining and threats such as habitat loss, fragmentation and feral predators, are putting it at risk.
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For more than 30 years we have been buying land to conserve Australia’s unique species and irreplaceable landscapes. Our work is on a vast scale, for ...
As part of our commitment to sustainability and paperless communications, we’ve reduced the number of printed Impact Report copies. You can download a full, print ...
This year, at Eurardy Reserve on Nanda Country in mid-north Western Australia, we led an innovative project to restore the iconic understorey of annual wildflowers. Named ‘Re-wilding the mid-west: ...
When Bruce Hammond first laid eyes on the Breakaways at Evelyn Downs, he saw more than a vista of striking escarpments above rocky plains. He saw an opportunity to support the protection of one of the ...
Four years ago, a Bush Heritage Aboriginal Partnerships Manager approached Rebecca Spindler, Executive Manager for Science and Conservation, and asked about how we can manage Aboriginal and Torres ...
Wurreka: to yarn, to talk. Galkangu: to build together, make together, make things happen together, more connected to Country. We gratefully acknowledge Djaara (the Dja Dja Wurrung people), the ...