One major end-to-end test stands between the Army's decision to field hypersonic weapon rounds to the first unit.
After several fatal Army aircraft crashes and the arrival of a more complicated airspace in the future, the service is ...
Technology advanced faster than anticipated since the Air Force first conceived its next-gen fighter, officials said.
The Hatch Act bars federal officials from participating in political activities while serving in their official capacity and ...
Top U.S. military leaders will be in Germany to discuss Ukraine’s wartime needs as Russia has conducted one of its deadliest ...
Delays are primarily linked to financial troubles among some vendors who have struggled to scale their production capacity.
IRIS-T has "served as a bulwark against the countless missiles that Russia shoots at Ukraine every day,” Chancellor Olaf ...
Requirements for the new system include increased targeting range and non-line-of-sight firing capability, according to the ...
The drill involved joint operations in the maritime transit route known as the GIUK gap, an acronym for Greenland, Iceland ...
Rep. Rob Wittman said he expects a short-term budget deal for federal spending to be finalized before the end of the month.
The Air Force "neglected" the complexity of the LGM-35A Sentinel's ground infrastructure, officials said, and is now looking ...
The Space Force has started to invest in early studies of the capability, but asked Guetlein declined to confirm whether a ...