Gruppo Mastrotto's brand identity is a commitment to a premium and luxury-oriented future under the sign of sustainability ...
Mulberry does not recover and changes CEO (Andrea Baldo replaces Thierry Andretta.), while Dr Martens confirms stress ...
Doucal's, Ortigni, Barracuda and the men's shoe market explained by 3 specialists: how to resist and grow in times of crisis ...
The brand that explains why the fashion system in Italy does not invest in young people: it was founded by Alberto Olivero ...
Italy’s Antitrust Authority is launching investigations into Armani and Dior for allegations that the two groups made untrue ...
“The first quarter results are disappointing“, Murphy began. “We have moved quickly with our creative transition in a luxury ...
Winds of aggregation are blowing in the international leather industry. In Italy, Feltre, a tanning technology specialist ...
Between Los Angeles and San Martino Buon Albergo (Verona). That’s the reach of the brand HTC-Hollywood Trading Company, ...
Speculation over Chanel’s distress may not be confirmed until May 2025, with the publication of the 2024 financial statements ...
Inspired by South Pacific wicker baskets and Japanese bamboo weaving, Dragon Diffusion has transformed a handcrafted product ...
On Wednesday 17 July, New York woke up under a dull sky and a light rain that relieved – but only momentarily – the stifling ...
Sapphire seeks confirmation between corporate gift and proprietary brand: interview with CEO Stefano Pierpaoli ...