Here at Liberal Democrat Voice, we’ve made a point over the years of covering maiden speeches of new Liberal Democrat ...
On 30 December 2022, the UN General Assembly passed resolution A/RES/77/247 in which it asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to opine on two questions: First, what are the legal consequences ...
My overwhelming emotion in the wake of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump is despair. My crushing depression is not caused just by the attempted assassination. It has been triggered by the ...
The Week in Polls* has an interesting analysis on the LibDem performance in the general election, entitled “7 things we know about the LibDems and 2 things we don’t“. Some headlines: We won because of ...
Ed Davey was not the only politician to throw himself off a crane, held only by elastic bands around his ankles. From thrill seeker to MP.@JoshBabarinde shares his bungee jumping story and how the ...
Fuller, provides diary of her first week as an MP: On Wednesday I had the opportunity to “swear in” – taking my oath of allegiance to the crown – and officially take my seat in parliament, which was a ...
The Guardian reports that Ed Davey will appear before the Post Office Horizon inquiry this Thursday, with Vince Cable and Jo Swinson appearing later this month: Ed Davey hit the headlines for falling ...
Now that the election is over, and we have successfully made inroads into the Conservative Blue Wall, it’s time to reflect and learn from our past. Moving forward, it’s crucial that we balance our ...
The first principal council by elections since our amazing General Election result too place this week. Four elections were held. We stood a Lib Dem candidate in all 4 and moved forwards in a number ...
Planning for the Autumn Federal Conference this year has been fraught with difficulties. First, there was a real worry that it would coincide with an intensive General Election campaign, and ...
The Liberal Democrats have always championed progressive and pragmatic approaches to drug policy, and their stance on cannabis is no exception. It’s time to acknowledge that the criminalisation of ...
Swearing, or affirming, allegiance to the monarch is symbolic, and I think it’s a waste of energy, and IMO comes across as out of touch, to put any energy into changing it. There’s the caveat ...