When it comes to selecting a cost-effective, first-line tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), consider the treatment goal. For survival, generic imatinib ...
In a scene right out of Jaws, a shark takes a 15-year-old girl's leg and hand in Florida surf, and two doctors on holiday ...
Two European studies reported on a potentially strong predictive biomarker for marginal lymphoma in Sjögren disease and the ...
New analyses are improving understanding of cardiogenic shock heterogeneity, while trials could find ways to protect the ...
Early results indicate that a policy change meant to expand access to cataract surgery in Ontario has fallen short, ...
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approvals of tapinarof 1% cream and roflumilast 0.3% cream as treatment options for ...
The risk for any skin cancer was higher among US veterans than among nonveterans, according to a cross-sectional study using ...
Electronic alerts for acute kidney injury were associated with a lower risk for disease progression, increased nephrologist ...
Use of a cognitive behavioral therapy app called 'Maya' was associated with significantly reduced anxiety symptoms in young ...
It does not matter whether antihypertensive medication is taken in the morning or at bedtime, two new trials confirm.
Post-radiation dental extractions posed an elevated risk for exposed bone and osteoradionecrosis in patients with head and ...
Children who transitioned from normal weight to overweight had a higher risk for atopic dermatitis, while those who lost ...