Fellowships for graduate students studying behavioral macroeconomics, sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, have been ...
The in-person participants represented 455 universities, central banks, think tanks, businesses, and gov The 582 research papers presented during the course of the Summer Institute were selected from ...
Green finance emphasizes “additionality,” meaning funded projects should offer distinct environmental benefits beyond standard practice. Analysis of U.S. corporate and municipal green bonds, however, ...
There is a rapidly advancing literature on the macroeconomics of climate change. This review focuses on developments in the construction and solution of structural integrated assessment models (IAMs), ...
This paper explores the realities of disclosure risks in the current big data landscape, examining implications for individuals, society, and the evolving ethical landscape. One these realities is ...
We examine the distributional consequences of trade using the New World Grain Invasion that occurred in the second half of the 19th century. We use a newly-created dataset on population, employment by ...
If you are affiliated with a subscribing institution, you may also request that this paper be sent to your institutional email address. Please enter your email address below and click “send.” In ...
Parenting is widely considered to be among the most important influences on early childhood (EC) development. But to what extent and under what circumstances can EC parenting programs improve child ...
We investigate the resilience of CESEE countries during ECB monetary cycles after the entrance of ten countries to the EU in 2004. Undeniably, these countries have experienced a m ...
We quantify racial differences in the total rate of return on housing in a nationally representative sample of homeowners from 1974-2021. We develop a new method to estimate the rental value of each ...
One of the arguments increasingly made to support large minimum wage increases is that they decrease wage or earnings gaps for minorities or women (e.g., Derenoncourt and Montialoux, 2021). The ...
We study the distribution of political speech across U.S. firms. We develop a measure of political engagement based on firms’ communications (earnings calls, regulatory filings, and social media), by ...