HM Revenue & Customs is clamping down on employers that may have wrongly used a government benefit to reduce childcare costs ...
With the Olympics starting next week in Paris, the focus will be on how individual and team players can thrive.
Gender-critical worker who chose to use the 'preferred pronouns' 'XYChromosomeGuy/ AdultHumanMale' loses claim for belief ...
Employers are being encouraged to be flexible with regard to the major global IT outage affecting thousands of businesses.
The King’s Speech has unveiled more than 30 new pieces of legislation as the Labour government promises to ‘take the brakes ...
The Employment Rights Bill will be introduced during the first 100 days of parliament, in “the biggest upgrade to workers’ ...
A former Microsoft manager in DEI has accused the company of downgrading efforts to improve diversity, after his team was ...
EVs are becoming increasingly popular with operators of company car schemes finds a new Willis Towers Watson report.
Annual wage growth slows to 5.7% in the ONS July 2024 labour market statistics, the slowest rate since August 2022.
Employers significantly more optimistic about the impact of AI at work, finds British Safety Council/YouGov poll ...
The new Labour government's work pledges have garnered support from voters across the political spectrum, a survey for the ...
Kate Shoesmith, deputy chief executive of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC), writes an open letter to MPs.