The legislation prevents utilities from lobbying or advertising with ratepayer money, including through contributions to ...
GeoSpatial Innovations' Gina McCann, a DISTRIBUTECH committee member, on the role tech and software will play in the energy ...
The utility had purchased massive, more expensive generators that could not be used for Hurricane Beryl-related emergencies, ...
SEC says the proceedings arose from the "failure" of PGE to devise and maintain a sufficient system of internal accounting ...
BPA's new initiative aims to streamlines the process to replace pre-existing wood poles to minimize potential infrastructure ...
New York’s consumer advocacy groups struggle to compete with well-funded utilities and corporations. Lawmakers want to level ...
The investments aim to improve grid reliability and resiliency in anticipation of more frequent and extreme weather events.
Springfield and Aspen are unalike in many ways. But they’re both at the end of transmission lines, and both are looking to ...
The Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) said it will honor all existing commitments and incentives for the Partners+ ...
Aggregator or edge/Virtual Power Plant DERMS is focused on customer-owned, behind-the-meter assets, handling all ...
Some Beam Global EV ARC systems will be available to the general public for free as part of Pueblo’s no-cost charging station ...
VPPs come in varying shapes and sizes, and the utility's role can change based on the use case. See how five leading ...