September is often an odd month. If you’ve got school-aged children, you go from a noisy house to a silent one. At least, ...
Mulching flower beds is a sure sign that warmer weather has arrived each spring. Suddenly, everywhere you look, it’s nothing ...
One of the great things about hostas is how low-maintenance they are. Of all the perennials in your garden, hostas are ...
Agapanthus, often called the “African Lily,” is immediately recognizable with its stunning, spherical clusters of blue or ...
I don’t grow a garden without mulch. Period. Putting down a protective layer over the bare soil in my garden provides a multitude of benefits. Unfortunately, after three successive seasons of mulching ...
When you think of planting perennial flowers, spring might automatically come to mind: birds creating a cacophony of noise, ...
If you could wave a magic wand and change one thing about the plants that you grow, what would that be? Predictably, my answer to this question varies with the flow of the season. But the one magic ...