Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has laid out an energy policy platform centered around maximizing U.S. fuel and power output, in part by dismantling the Biden administration’s centerpiece efforts to fight climate change.
The former president also pledged to establish a government efficiency commission floated by Tesla’s Elon Musk, who he suggested could lead the commission.
Power the Future founder Daniel Turner discusses President Biden's 'rural electrification' plan and what role climate change could play in the 2024 election on 'The Bottom Line.'
Climate change may not be a top concern for voters for the 2024 presidential election, but that hasn't stopped many Republicans from making misrepresentations about environmental and energy policy – a departure from the previous tactic of majority climate change denial,
Environmental groups, who largely back Harris, call her a “proven climate champion” who will take on Big Oil and build on Biden’s climate legacy.
More Americans are having to choose between food and energy bills as the price of electricity rises. The cost is based on many factors, but one stands out from the rest — and is likely only going to make matters more complicated and expensive.
Polls show that young voters & women prioritize climate change & lean Democratic. Turn out is critical. Yet the DNC downplayed it. Why?
Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has laid out an energy policy platform centered around maximizing U.S. fuel and power output, in part by dismantling the Biden administration’s centerpiece efforts to fight climate change.
Former US President Donald Trump pledged to rescind unspent funding from Democrats’ signature climate law in the most definitive remarks yet on his intentions for the Inflation Reduction Act.
The Energy Department’s Loan Programs Office was turbocharged by the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, but it has only used a tiny fraction of its capacity.
Opponents of Initiative 2117 hit the airwaves Thursday with a commercial that warns passage of the measure to erase a signature climate policy in Washington would increase air and water pollution, hurt the economy and endanger the state transportation system.