The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management said it made the change in response to comments from various sources, including the ...
“We don’t like seeing pylons and turbines in our ocean, but if built responsibly, it is better than burning coal or other ...
I had to chuckle when I read in the Gloucester Daily Times (Sept. 9) that “Mass., RI pledge new offshore wind farms,” when fishermen in Point Pleasant, Rhode Island, reported ...
Opponents of offshore wind around the U.S. are pelting projects with lawsuits seeking to cancel them or tie them up for years ...
The court cases represent another hurdle the nascent industry must overcome, particularly along the East Coast where ...
Saying a wind project planned off the coast of Long Beach Island violates the state’s land use laws and local noise ordinances while creating a private nuisance, a local grassroots organization filed ...
Central California is on track to have a new swath of protected ocean and coastline. The Chumash Heritage National Marine ...
BRIGANTINE, N.J. (AP) — Opponents of offshore wind around the U.S. are pelting projects with lawsuits seeking to cancel them ...
Public media journalists took a boat to see the Vineyard Wind project, 35 miles off mainland Massachusetts, up close. GBH's ...
Duke Energy has included offshore wind in its latest plan to reduce carbon emissions. Now state regulators are reviewing the ...
The governor can either reject the project or accept the recommendation, which eliminates about half of the originally ...
Maine has big goals for adding offshore wind to its energy repertoire with hopes that it will not only be a friendlier option ...