For this reason it has raised hopes that the treatment may one day be able to slow human ageing as well. The mice, which were ...
A drug that inhibits inflammation helped mice live longer and reduced the animals’ incidence of cancer and age-related health ...
A protein that promotes inflammation could hold the key to a longer, healthier life. Blocking the protein, called IL-11, in ...
Kansas Department of Agriculture food safety and lodging inspectors cited several Topeka establishments in June for not ...
A longer experiment followed mice from 12 weeks old for the rest of their lives. Those kept at 22 °C lived about 20 percent ...
A Queensland farmer had spent the last few years recovering from drought and a mice plague when another catastrophe threw ...
Scientists have discovered a possible new type of anti-aging drug in commonly used anti-inflammatory medications.
A new drug combination has shown the ability to boost insulin-producing cells by an astonishing 700% in mice. This remarkable ...
In a new study, elderly lab mice given an anti-aging drug were referred to as "supermodel grannies" because they looked so ...
New findings in mice suggest it’s possible to prevent organ damage from COVID-19 with an antioxidant enzyme that protects a ...
For the first time, scientists have bred mice with fully fledged human immune systems. The researchers say these human-like ...
Scientists at the Medical Research Council Laboratory of Medical Science and Imperial College London have discovered that ...