If a cat has a more pleasant personality − like if it is friendly with people and other cats − that could correlate with it ...
Rats and mice have a very strong sense of smell - which is why they have been known to stay away from certain scents. Here ...
Once again we are reminded that there are scientists out there working on things that the average person would have never ...
As immature egg cells, called oocytes get older, they begin having problems with cell division. This can result in aneuploidy ...
The brain’s response to unpleasant or painful experiences, including withdrawal from the often-addictive painkillers called ...
Neuroscientists have revealed how sensory input is transformed into motor action across multiple brain regions in mice.
Metabolic rewiring is essential for osteoclast differentiation and bone resorption. This study shows that glutaminolysis ...
Scientists have zeroed in on brain circuitry powering the desire of spiny mice to live in large groups, opening the door to a ...