Three years after the ban on poppy cultivation in Afghanistan, formerly the world’s largest heroin producer, the global trade ...
Steven Whitlock earned his Purple Heart in 2009 while stationed in Afghanistan. He and all but one soldier in his squad ...
Three years after seizing power, the Taliban is cracking down on women’s rights.
As the Taliban begins enforcing new draconian laws, Afghan women say that whatever hopes they once harbored for an easing of ...
The industrial city was able to reverse its population decline with the thanks of a foreign national workforce, offering lessons for the rest of Korea ...
Germany has signed a deal with Uzbekistan to enable the migration of skilled workers from the Central Asian nation to support ...
The hard truth is, no matter how it was spun, Afghanistan was lost well before the planes left the runway at Bagram Airfield.
Research shows that a toxic mix of past traumas and the stresses of resettlement puts refugee kids at significantly higher ...
Republicans and Democrats are engaged in a blame game over the withdrawal in Afghanistan, feuding over who carries ...