President Joe Biden said he would drop out of the 2024 President Election race for health reasons. What are other reasons he ...
During his visit to Cyprus Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis made a speech refuting Turkish President Erdogan's ...
Researchers found two gases in Venus' clouds hinting at possible life, providing intriguing evidence that could reshape our ...
On the anniversary of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, Greek Cypriots held somber memorials, while Turkish Cypriots celebrated ...
Since the first exchanges between India and Greece, the ancient Greeks were fascinated by the stories of India's mysterious ...
The famous Greek foot commonly found in ancient Greek statues, was initially attributed to the Golden Ratio artists were ...
A military enthusiast who bought a tank on eBay and discovered $2.5 million of gold bars hidden inside says he 'regrets' ...
Whether or not there is life after death has been widely debated for centuries. Einstein said "The human mind cannot grasp ...
The Tollund Man, a victim of human sacrifice in Iron Age, is a "bog body," one of a group of remarkably-well preserved ...
According to legend, long before the Romans founded Rome, there was a Greek city called Pallantium in the same area.
When an American academic argued a decade ago that ancient Greeks and other people at the time were smarter than us, a heated ...
Greek American William "PoPsie" Randolph nicknamed "the legend of Broadway" was a well-known photographer and photojournalist ...