After helping in the charity store, Nick is given a really special gift.
The first minister has admitted that the implementation of Wales' controversial 20mph law created problems. It was a flagship ...
One of the people behind plans to build the UK's first Universal Studios theme park said it could "unlock enormous economic ...
Ferne Animal Sanctuary was set up in 1939 after many pet owners had their animals put down at the outbreak of war.
More than 150 local jobs will be created as a new service station is set to be built on the M5 near Bridgwater. Welcome Break ...
When the farmer and her daughter plant their last wrinkly seed they don't have great expectations of a successful crop. But, to their amazement, the seed grows into the most enormous turnip! It's so ...
Dr Petse Alexovsky is a specialist cardiology consultant at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital and runs bi-monthly sessions at ...
Home sweet home: This PA Media photograph from a drone shows the County Ground in Bristol packed out on a summer night with a ...
It means YTL Arena Bristol will not be staging concerts until 2027 at the earliest, with construction due to take around ...
A film about the final miners to leave their shut-down collieries could be the "last opportunity" for them to tell their ...
With his running partner, Mr Scott is still capable of running a 100m sprint in less than 11.5 seconds and has no plans to ...
A man who volunteers at the food bank that helped him get back on his feet has said it allowed his journey to "start again".