A federal judge in California on Thursday was scheduled to weigh preliminary approval of a $2.78 billion settlement of three ...
Prosecutors and defense lawyers are bitterly at odds over the next steps in Trump’s federal election case after the Supreme Court narrowed the scope of the prosecution by ruling that former presidents ...
A trial judge erred when throwing out a legal malpractice complaint accusing a lawyer of leaving a client in debt by failing to prevent her estranged husband from liquidating their marital assets ...
Where Indiana statute prohibited corporate contributions to Super PACs, prohibition violated First Amendment and district court was directed to issue a preliminary injunction barring enforcement.
Where plaintiff seeks a refund based on unconstitutional and void government agency actions, that claim is subject to the five-year civil catchall statute of limitations.
Apropos of the recent column in this space regarding the lack of transparency in the Illinois courts of review and the need for public access to the briefs, orders and motions of those courts, three ...
An attorney who the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission (ARDC) hearing board recommended be disbarred for continuing to represent clients while suspended should be entitled to a ...
A federal judge denied Illinois’ request to end court oversight of its disability services.Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman, with the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, agreed with ...
A Kendall County jury returned a record $48.7 million verdict over a spinal injury for a man who was permanently paralyzed after being forcibly removed from a bar in Plano.
Pablo Picasso once said, “Bad artists copy. Good artists steal.” I was reminded of this axiom as I read Mohsin Hamid’s book “The Last White Man” (Riverhead Books 2022).
Where plaintiffs’ attorney missed deadline to disclose expert witness, district court did not err in granting summary judgment for defendants after concluding that plaintiffs could not prove case ...
Where the terms of a promissory note do not provide for profits or interest to the passive lender beyond repayment, the note does not constitute a security under the Illinois Securities law.