The natural gas market has decided to take a little bit of a breather in the early hours of Thursday, as the market continue to focus on the $2.50 level. This is an area that has been important ...
The gold market rallied a bit in the early hours of Thursday, as the markets are trying to break higher again. After all, the ...
The crude oil market continues to see buyers coming into it, as the market focuses on the idea of inflation and potential growth, as the Federal Reserve has decided to cut 50 basis points. Also, we ...
The crude oil market continues to bounce a bit on each successive drop, as the demand for oil seems to be a factor, but the ...
The natural gas market has shown itself to be strong in the early hours of Wednesday, as the market continue to price in the idea of the cyclical trade playing out. Furthermore, the Chinese are now de ...
The gold market rallied a bit in the early hours of Wednesday, as the markets continue to look at the interest rate situation globally, but we also see the geopolitical issues as a major driver of ...
The Bitcoin market fell slightly in the early hours of Wednesday but continues to see a lot of support just below current levels. This is a market that will be paying close attention to the FOMC ...
The NASDAQ 100 rallied hard to the upside in the early hours of Thursday, as traders continue to pay close attention to liquidity measures by the Fed. The 50 basis point cut on Wednesday has Wall ...
The silver market rose again in the early hours of Thursday, as traders continue to see the interest rate cuts from central banks as a potential trigger for higher prices yet again.
The Dow Jones 30 rallied quite drastically in the early hours of Thursday, as we have seen a lot of noisy trading after the Federal Reserve cut interest rates by 50 basis points on Wednesday.
The US dollar continues to see supportive action against the Japanese yen, although it is worth noting that the Bank of Japan ...
The Federal Reserve cut rates on Wednesday, and the Thursday session has shown itself to be noisy again, as we are looking at the crucial 1.12 level above for some kind of guidance. A break above that ...