Sunflowers are superb but not always suited to every garden. Here are plenty of other options to introduce brilliant sunny ...
Who says you have to wait until spring or summer to enjoy a garden full of fluttering butterflies? If you’re anything like me, you want those beautiful, delicate visitors in your garden as long as ...
A gardening expert has revealed how a common kitchen cupboard staple can keep your sunflowers thriving throughout autumn. As summer fades into autumn, many gardeners see their sunflowers start to ...
or a Tithonia meets a tiger, Nature bursts forth in all its glory. Such was the case when we spotted a Western tiger swallowtail, Papilio rutulus, foraging for nectar on a Mexican sunflower, Tithonia ...
Sunflowers are often considered the happiest of flowers and it’s easy to see why, they’re bright, bold and exude a feeling of warmth. And with the sun really starting to shine, now is the time to ...
The Gulf Fritillary, Agraulis vanillae, and the Mexican sunflower, Tithonia rotundifola, seem made for one another. Both are a showy orange. Both are show-stoppers. And both attract a photographer's ...
My recommendation, if you get butterflies at all, or if you love bees: plant Mexican sunflowers (Tithonia)!!!! Oh, and hummingbirds adore them too, and on this morning, I watched one of our ...
Sunflowers really do "dance" as they grow so as not to block solar rays from each other, reveals new research. The study sheds light on a scientific puzzle that has occupied researchers since the days ...
Dancing in the sunlight: Yasmine Meroz inspects a sunflower plant. (Courtesy: Tel Aviv University) Sunflowers in a field can co-ordinate the circular motions of their growing stems to minimize the ...