With over 100 years of safe driving under their belts, these drivers have learned a thing or two A 30-year UPS Circle of Honor driver, Manny Flores is a proud member of his building’s safety committee ...
What’s new: In celebration of UPS’s 117th birthday, 1,000 drivers across the Americas, Europe and Asia will receive special emblems to display on their vehicles. These drivers join thousands of U.S.
Asking for a friend: Are you ready for some football? Prepping for the perfect tailgate is tough – let UPS run the play and make it so much easier. Here’s our UPS-powered Guide to Tailgating so you ...
In February 1988, UPS Airlines was certified by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as one of the fastest airline startups in FAA history. With almost 2,000 daily flight segments globally ...
In februari 1988 werd UPS Luchtvaartmaatschappijen gecertificeerd door de Amerikaanse Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) als een van de snelste startups van een luchtvaartmaatschappij in de ...
Em fevereiro de 1988, as Companhias Aéreas UPS foram certificadas pela Administração Federal de Aviação dos Estados Unidos (Federal Aviation Administration, FAA) como umas das startups de companhia ...
I februari 1988 certifierades UPS Airlines av USA:s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) som en av de snabbaste uppstarterna av ett flygbolag i FAA:s historia. Idag innebär vårt fokus på flygsäkerhet ...
UPS Airlines wurde im Februar 1988 von der US-amerikanischen Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) zertifiziert – als eines der schnellsten Airline-Start-ups in der Geschichte der FAA. Heute gehört ...
Nel febbraio 1988, UPS Airlines è stata certificata dalla Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) degli Stati Uniti come una delle startup aeree più veloci nella storia della FAA. Oggi, la nostra ...
In February 1988, UPS Airlines was certified by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as one of the fastest airline startups in FAA history. Today, our focus on aviation safety makes UPS one ...