Please vote to re-elect Incumbent, Deborah Aylward as State Representative. Why? Because I’ve seen her in action, and have no doubts about her abilities to properly serve her constituents in the Sta ...
SALISBURY - September 10 will be the New Hampshire Primary. I am encouraging everyone to vote. It is a privilege to vote and is crucial that each one of us be a part of the election process in New Ham ...
ANDOVER – This letter concerns the editorial written by Kim Baer and published in the August Beacon. The signs on Franklin Highway have nothing to do with hate and/or violence, but for an ...
ANDOVER – This letter is submitted in response to a letter published in the August Beacon in which the writer states that a certain lawn sign “… appears to call for the killing and dismembering of ...
ANDOVER – In response to Kim Baer’s recent opinion piece in the last edition of The Andover Beacon, I’d like to mention the importance of context. She claims a sign on Route 11 “…appears to call for ...
There has been flawed messaging that Candidate Deborah Aylward is Candidate Louise Andrus’s opponent and that voters should only vote for Andrus — even though two candidates will be elected for this ...
I know Candidate Deborah Aylward (R) to be a tireless champion of what is “right.” Locally, she has spent innumerable hours gathering facts to present to voters for informed decision-making; has ...
I’m hoping that registered but chronic non-voters realize that the 2024 elections are about “something that is more important than oneself.” It is a form of giving back to our great communities and ...
Beaconfest 2024 Food Tent with helpers Laurie Zimmerman (Board), Sam and Ty Morris (Board, sponsor, and chef), Les Fenton, and Marie Campbell (Pizza Chef). Beaconfest 2024 music featuring Diamond ...
September 2). Space is limited. Don’t miss this day of historic barns, scenic views, and local history in the hills of central New Hampshire. The barns of Andover link us to the rich agricultural ...
The Andover Library gets new signs painted by Sophie Sedgley, Donna Duclos’s granddaughter, and finished by Jeff Dickinson, her son. Caption and Photo: Donna Duclos ...