Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and historian Harold Brackman is a consultant to the center. In conjunction with his appearance at the U.N. General Assembly and ...
It pays not to have any great expectations where solidarity, support and sympathy for Israel are called for. As past and recent events have amply demonstrated, dead Jews elicit momentary gestures of ...
The BBC violated its own editorial guidelines 1,553 times during the four-month period beginning October 7, 2023, repeatedly downplaying Hamas terrorism and presenting Israel as an aggressor, ...
David Bedein: UNRWA is 'machine' that produces genocidal children in a 'cookie-cutter' manner The roughly 20-minute film was released by the Jerusalem-based Center for Near East Policy Research on ...
Our nation is now embroiled in a fierce and passionate debate about whether or not to unilaterally leave the Security Zone on the Lebanese Border. The issue has of course, taken on greater urgency, ...
Must Watch Video Remarks from @IsraeliPM @netanyahu: "I was asked whether I am not doing enough to the release of hostages. Well, I want to set the record straight. On April 27th, Secretary of State ...
Israel is currently faced with several challenges, domestic and foreign, which seem at first glance to be insurmountable. Domestically, the ongoing saga of the ...
Opinion: Those who have painted the prime minister as the murderer of the six hostages have been deluding themselves believing that a genuine deal was on the table; It’s hard to blame them – ...
A hostage deal, as much as we wish for it, exists only in our imagination – we're mainly negotiating with ourselves, caught in a spiral of self-flagellation. Through our tears and with hearts ...
“Financing the Flames” is very troubling, but then that’s nothing new for an Edwin Black book since all of his works studiously reveal facts and unknown information that shocks and disrupts historical ...
The hostages-ceasefire negotiations have broken down because of insufficient pressure from the Biden administration on Hamas’s patrons in Qatar. The failure of the negotiations should be attributed to ...
Netanyahu has done many things throughout his many years in office. In my opinion, the scales are tipped against him in the balance of failures versus achievements, but now he plays a fateful, ...