Madeline Monk Claudian and the Second Punic War: Decline and Restoration in His Later Poems Jennifer Ebbeler Latin teacher (Norfolk Collegiate School) ...
Vermaire, Matthew Aaron A Non-Ethics Of Belief: Theoretical Reason On Its Own Terms Dogramaci, Sinan/Sosa, David Postdoctoral Fellow (University of Glasgow) Postdoctoral Researcher ...
ClioVis is educational technology software created at UT Austin by history Professor Erika Bsumek. Since its inception, it has been used by faculty members and students at over 30 different ...
David Guillaume Barny Learning the dynamics of French stance taking in an Alternate Reality Game: a study of Concept-Based Pragmatics Instruction Carl Blyth Valentin J. Duquet Reversed Assimilation in ...
Alumni: Send us an update! MES is committed to preparing graduate students in a very practical way for their anticipated careers. By the time students have earned degrees from Middle Eastern Studies, ...
Akcamete, Aycan Reconceptualizing Theater Criticism: A Case Study on Arcola Theatre David Kornhaber Katie Arens Asst. Prof. of Comparative Literature and Theater, U Oregon Lin, Boya ‘Double ...