中華職棒明星賽於20、21日在大巨蛋登場,各隊人氣啦啦隊員齊聚一堂,吸引超過3萬名觀眾進場朝聖。而當樂天桃猿的馬傑森上場打擊時,今年從樂天女孩轉隊成為小龍女的林襄拿著麥克風帶動跳,還不忘「逆應援」大喊「臭馬傑森」,讓李多慧和籃籃笑倒在地,網友則懷疑兩 ...
北市幼兒園性侵案持續延燒,市長蔣萬安,日前在媒體對著鏡頭鞠躬,向市民道歉,卻遭前市長柯文哲大酸道歉最簡單,但沒解決事情有什麼用?柯P此話一出,藍、綠議員都痛批,柯文哲根本是在踢皮球!而蔣萬安出席活動,被問到柯文哲的說法,蔣萬安則笑而不回答,並未正面回 ...
Before Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, many, including Kyiv, were skeptical that a major war could return ...
The cost is $2 per ticket, but you can add the Power Play for $1, which will increase the amount of your potential prize up ...
微軟公司(Microsoft)19日發生大當機,原因是美國資安公司CrowdStrike發布的軟體更新出包,全球機場、銀行、媒體、交通運輸、醫療機構都受影響。造成號稱史上最慘IT災難後,Crowdstrike市值蒸發逾90億英鎊(約3812億新台幣),公司聯合創辦人與執行長庫茲(George Kurtz)個人資產則縮水2.5億英鎊(約105億新台幣)。
A single mum is urging other Aussies to be careful after her ceiling suddenly collapsed, engulfing a dining table her four ...
Two people are dead following a multiple vehicle collision near Sorrento, B.C, about 105 kilometres northeast of Kamloops, ...
A series of Israeli strikes have been launched against the Houthi-controlled port city of Hodeidah in Yemen. The attack ...
OCONEE COUNTY, S.C. (WSPA) — A man turned himself in to the Oconee County Sheriff’s Law Enforcement Center earlier this week ...
《淚之女王》韓星 金智媛 今(20日)來台,為明天在新莊舉行粉絲見面會做準備,她傍晚搭乘大韓航空KE187班機來台,班機延遲約1小時抵達,約6點40分降落桃園國際機場,空氣中都散發香香的味道。桃機接機大廳擠滿大批粉絲,約800多人擠爆現場,金智媛出來 ...
Israeli warplanes killed three people in the Huthi-controlled Yemeni port of Hodeida, the Iran-backed rebels said Sunday ...
Donald Trump warned of “slaughter in the suburbs” and called Joe Biden a “sick, weak, pathetic man” in his first rally since ...