東京株式市場で日経平均は、前営業日比265円62銭安の3万6391円47銭と、4日続落して取引を終えた。午前は自律反発狙いの買いでプラス圏で推移する場面もあったが、次第に売りが優勢となり午後には一時400円超安に下げた。米雇用統計の公表を控えポジショ ...
JOHANNESBURG, Sept 6 (Reuters) - The board of Africa's biggest mobile network operator MTN Group (MTNJ.J), opens new tab said ...
[東京6日 ロイター] - トヨタ自動車(7203.T), opens new ...
「金利ある世界」への転換で、強い動きを見せていた銀行株の基調が弱まっている。日銀が利上げフェーズに入ったものの、8月上旬の株価急落を受け、そのペースが推し量りにくくなっているためだ。海外比率の高いメガバンクの一角は、円高がマイナスとなる「輸出株」と類 ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy arrived at Ramstein Air Base in Germany and said he would push for "strong" decisions ...
Kamala Harris's presidential campaign and the Democratic Party raised $361 million in August, leaving her with a clear cash ...
Asia's strongest storm this year, Super Typhoon Yagi, made landfall along the coast of China's Hainan province on Friday, ...
Up to 50% of all vehicles bought in Pakistan by 2030 will be electrified in some form in line with global targets, BYD ...
Solar is spearheading growth in tax credit transactions that will lead to wider deployment of clean energy and usher in new ...
NAPERVILLE, Illinois, Sept 5 (Reuters) - Forecasters earlier this year predicted that hurricane activity in the Atlantic ...
Polish prosecutors have enough evidence to charge three Belarusian citizens over the forced landing in Minsk in 2021 of a ...