Friday presented the Schoof cabinet a government program without financial substantiation. Today on Budget Day it becomes clear how the pain of the cutbacks will be shared in the coming years - at ...
The government program of the Schoof cabinet reads like an election program. It is full of wishes and plans. But how these are to be realized, while education is also being cut back drastically, ...
What do you need to know before starting a PhD? Where to find the free sandwiches, of course. The endless search for free food by PhD students is a recurring joke from the well-known American comic ...
The 215 million euro cut to the 'sector plans' of universities is withdrawn. The total cut of approximately 1 billion per year on higher education remains in place. Instead of cutting the sector plans ...
If you are teaching first-year students the ropes, it is best to do it step by step. That is what Hanneke Verbruggen, theory teacher and professional organizer from the Pro College for practical ...
Cees has been working at the for over 30 years AOb and last year he found a new position with plenty of growth opportunities. At 60 years old, the future is at his feet again. He gives substance to ...
The Dutch economy is doing well. Still, the first salary of 2018 is disappointing. There is hardly anything added for teaching staff either. Some will even earn a few euros less than in 2017. Tekst ...
“We attach an ultimatum to that meeting with the regulators, the Executive Board and the site directors,” says AObdistrict manager Perry van Liempt. "If they are not present or if the board does not ...