Evgeny Chubarov (1934–2012) was a Russian painter and sculptor, renowned for his transition from figurative art to pure abstraction, which he developed over decades while working in Moscow, Berlin, ...
Nicholas Cullinan, the new director of the British Museum, has announced a groundbreaking $1.3 billion transformation plan, ...
オリジナルのアートワークやプリントを探すときに期待するすべての多様性 特定のアーティストのアートワーク、または特定のテクニックを見つけて、特定の価格帯のアイテムに興味を持つ ...
Georges Corominas is een hedendaagse Franse schilder. Corominas keerde in 1962 terug naar Frankrijk, na het afronden van zijn studie aan de Nationale School voor Schone Kunsten in Algerije, waar zijn ...
卡尔·古斯塔夫·卡鲁斯(Carl Gustav Carus)是一位德国生理学家和画家,1789年1月3日出生于莱比锡,在浪漫主义时代也发挥着重要作用。他于 1869 年 7 月 28 日去世。他是一位医生、博物学家、科学 ...
Descubra obras de arte contemporáneas de Walter Anicama Zamora, explore obras de arte recientes y compre en línea. Categorías: artistas peruanos contemporáneos. Dominios artísticos: Pintura. Tipo de ...
Berthold Maier, geb. 1949 in Göppingen, wohnt seit 1995 in Burladingen - Salmendingen. Die Beschäftigung mit Malerei begann bereits in der Schulzeit. Er entschied sich danach aber für eine Ausbildung ...
Cristine Pascale is a young Romanian-French artist who has managed to combine her passion for art and fashion. His work is characterized by being very fresh and evoking elements of graphic and fashion ...
罗梅罗·布里托 1963 年 10 月 6 日出生于巴西累西腓,是一位当代波普艺术家,以充满活力、色彩缤纷的作品而闻名,这些作品融合了立体主义、波普艺术和涂鸦艺术的元素。他的独特风格以大胆 ...
Né à Avignon en 1964, il installe son atelier au pied de la célèbre colline des artistes de Montmartre, empreint de l'esprit bohème des plus grands noms de la peinture. Le style de vie plus calme et ...
Born into a family of Ukrainian descent, Vladimir Horik was born on February 14, 1939 in Edmonton, Alberta. Raised in Western Canada, he has kept this love for the forest and the land. In the early ...
Nigel Cooke is a prominent British artist known for his ability to merge abstraction with figuration in his large-scale, multi-layered paintings. His work reflects a deep exploration of the natural ...