The all new 2025 Audi Q5 SUV has been unveiled. The latest mode of Audi’s most popular SUV was unveiled on September 2, 2024.
Audi is now becoming the Audi-able. Owners of Audi A8s and S8s are going high end by choosing the 1000-plus watts Bang and Olufsen Advanced Sound System. The system, which includes 14 speakers, is ...
最新加入 C40陣營的新成員是一台使用單一電能馬達,後輪驅動設計。 C40 Recharge是Volvo繼XC40 Recharge之後,第二輛全電EV小型SUV。 已經有XC 40 Recharge,Volvo為何要再來一輛C40呢?道理顯而易見的其實 ...
相對起其他它車廠,豐田或可以說全部日本的汽車廠在全電能EV汽車的發展方面实在比對手落後。就算是最早期的日產Nissan 多年来亦只有一輛Leaf是較為吸引人們注意,事隔多年後亦只有另一輛 ...
Audi has always stressed they would approach electrification on their terms, seeking a mid-ground between performance and efficiency. After launching the Q8 e-tron earlier in the year, Audi is now ...
Compact 車種在北美洲似乎買少見少,原因當然是SUV的流行,購買四門房車的朋友越來越少。 說實話由於今天的物價指數 越來越高,一個家庭如果只能 供養一輛汽車的話,實用性實在難以抗拒。
如果你有两部車的話,Toyota bZ4X 肯定是你的不二之选。 售价由$44,900 開始的豐四第一輛全电能电動汽車是我們想要的東西。 除了行程不夠長及充电指标不明確之外,bZ4X 是所有SUV 之中最有驾駛 ...
Audi Sport is now famous for producing some of the most exciting cars on the road. In addition to the range topping R8 line of Super Cars, the racing division of the German automaker has introduced ...
The Ford Bronco Sport is the latest model to blast back to Ford’s past. Nostalgia is a powerful drug and the Bronco goes back beyond its notoriety in the 1990’s to a rugged history with the original ...
在一片全電能汽車流行的今天 ,同時亦公告了已決定在2030年之後只會銷售全電能或雙動能汽車的,在未完成推動電能計劃之前仍沒有忘記我們一眾喜歡引擎推動汽車的朋友。事實上引擎汽車 ...
Fresh from the 2005 North American Auto Show in Detroit, a couple things are quite clear. Fuel cell technology and alternative fuel vehicles are being developed that are bringing this technology much ...
雖然我們已經看到HondaPilot嘅真身,亦知道他它的引擎比2022年的285匹還要多上五匹,同時亦改用了一副十前速自動波箱。但2022年的Pilot 仍然是一輛非常有勁,非常難得的三排坐椅中型的SUV。