WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — Red crown rot, a disease that affects soybeans and other legumes, has spread to Indiana fields.
The mode-of-action is the overall manner in which a herbicide affects a plant at the tissue or cellular level. Herbicides with the same mode-of- action will have the same translocation (movement) ...
Earthworms have long been associated with healthy, productive soils. In his 1881 book entitled. "The Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms," the great biologist Charles Darwin ...
In the simplest terms, a crop growing season refers to that period of the year when seasonal weather is favorable for growth. In the Corn Belt, the "growing season" is often defined as the number of ...
Water may appear clear and pure, but water from wells or other sources may contain dissolved minerals and other substances. Generally, Indiana's ground water provides a good supply of safe water that ...
We improve lives and livelihoods by delivering tested and trusted educational resources. The Cooperative Extension Service is one of the nation's largest providers of scientific research-based ...
Term insurance provides the most protection for your insurance dollars. Guaranteed renewability and convertibility are two features that make term insurance more flexible. Cash-value policies combine ...
Many combinations of tillage methods are available for corn and soybean production. Currently much of the primary tillage is done in the fall. Deep tillage with the moldboard plow is still common, but ...
Because of the tight supplies and soaring costs of nitrogen materials, Indiana farmers are taking a critical second look at their fertilizer programs. The object of such an evaluation is to insure the ...
Purdue Extension program will help businesses attract talent by improving human resources skillss and managers Purdue Extension will offer the “Becoming the Employer of Choice” series virtually ...