The US District Court of Columbia sentenced a former Marine Tyler Dykes on Friday to nearly five years in prison for assaulting police officers during the January 6 Capitol attack. On top of the ...
Amnesty International urged Malian authorities to release immediately the arbitrarily detained dissidents Youssouf Daba Diawara and 11 other opposition politicians in a statement made on Friday.
Wrongfully convicted Missouri inmate Sandra Hemme was released from prison Friday after a monthlong battle with the state's attorney general who sought to deny the release on procedural and ...
New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu signed legislation Friday that prohibits transgender girls from competing on school athletics teams that match their gender identity while also approving another ...
A fire ignited Saturday night for the third day in a row at a former factory in Coolock, Ireland that was going to be set ...
The Court of First Instance of Tunisia on Friday sentenced opposition leader Lotfi Mraihi to eight months in prison with a lifetime ban from contesting elections on charges of illicitly influencing ...
The Peruvian judiciary announced on Thursday an extension of the pre-trial detention for former President Pedro Castillo by an additional 18 months. The Permanent Criminal Chamber of the Supreme ...
The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on Friday expressed concern over the disappearance of two Guinea activists after their arrest by the country's security ...
The Bangladesh government imposed a nationwide curfew and deployed the army following escalating protests against government ...
The UK foreign secretary announced Friday that the country is resuming its funding to the UN Relief and Works Agency for ...
Human rights organization Viasna reported Friday that a German man was sentenced to death by firing squad by the Minsk ...
The Supreme Court of India on Friday refused to entertain a petition challenging legislation that gives the Tamil Nadu state ...