Using weekends to catch up on lost sleep may lower your risk of developing heart disease by about 20%. | Cardiology ...
Just 15 minutes of exercise during your workday will likely improve your overall health and wellbeing. | Cardiology ...
Use of cannabis and hallucinogens remained at historically high levels in 2023 among adults aged 19- 30 years and 35-50. | Cannabis Sciences ...
What influence does cannabis legalization, whether medical or recreational, have on mental health prescription medications?
How did stars form 7 billion years ago, or approximately halfway between the Big Bang and now? This is what a recent study published in the Monthly Notices | Space ...
CubeSats have become an excellent way to conduct scientific research on Earth and elsewhere due to their reduced costs and sizes, as some CubeSats are the | Space ...
Salt has been used for a myriad of reasons throughout history. Not only did individuals use it to preserve food, but it was also used to garden, to constru | Immunology ...
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that occurs in the lung, caused by bacteria. It is spread through the air and is ...
Corynebacterium matruchotii ia a common bacterium that lives in human dental plaque; a colony is seen in this image by Scott Chimileski of MBL | Cell And Molecular Biology ...
We invite you to attend this virtual educational workshop. Our speakers will discuss state-of-the-art Hemostasis treatments, the role of the Hemostasis Laboratory, and how this can impact patient ...
Cannabis use is relatively common among patients thinking about getting plastic surgery and is linked to higher urine nicotine levels. | Cannabis Sciences ...
What processes provide energy to the solar wind as it travels away from the Sun and throughout the solar system? This is what a recent study published in Science hopes to address as an international ...