The U.S. Embassy in Dhaka said reports indicated “hundreds to possibly thousands” were injured across Bangladesh.
A drone attack by Houthi rebels killed one person in the center of Tel Aviv and wounded at least 10 others near the United ...
Protective details have grown and evolved, often in response to assassinations, close calls or other major security events ...
The Pentagon says that it's finally ready to pay troops the "economic hardship bonuses" that Congress authorized last year to ...
New force-wide liberty rules for troops across Japan have yet to materialize a week after an announcement by top U.S.
Gen. Daniel Hokanson, the outgoing chief of the National Guard Bureau, said a proposal to transfer certain Air National Guard ...
A Marine who stormed the U.S. Capitol and apparently flashed a Nazi salute in front of the building was sentenced on Friday ...
The more you intentionally highlight who you are, what you care about and what you offer -- online and in person -- the more ...
The Afghanistan War Commission, created by Congress shortly after the 2021 withdrawal, held its first public hearing, ...
I'd propose going back to the basics -- the ABCs, if you will -- of turning credit card debt into a piece of your personal ...
Here is a full-body workout routine that allows you to "not skip leg day" if you missed it the day before: ...
To this day, the barracks attack in Beirut remains the single greatest loss of life the Marine Corps has experienced since the Battle of Iwo Jima during World War II.