Burglaries in Huddersfield have been cut by one third and theft from vehicles by one fifth. This crimebusting success has been achieved through a partnership between West Yorkshire police, Kirklees ...
The arrangements local councils have in place to counter benefit fraud are to be examined by the Benefit Fraud Inspectorate as part of its latest work programme. The Inspectorate is also to make ...
Local councils have joined the Health and Safety Executive to issue a joint Statement of Intent setting out their commitment to improving how they work together to improve health and safety at work.
The work and funding of the Local Government Management Board are to come under scrutiny in a review due to start shortly. The review has been prompted by the changing local government scene and ...
This ground-breaking study provides a balanced investigation into the significance of the so-called ‘information age’ to contemporary government. It examines available perspectives on the relationship ...
Research released today shows widespread support among parents for changes to the school curriculum to include compulsory vocational learning. The study has been conducted by the educational ...
Public sector organisations which fail to meet deadlines to tackle the Millennium bug can expect to be tackled by the Government. In her latest quarterly report to Parliament, Margaret Beckett, who ...
People living in the North West of England have the best travel options and the greatest opportunity to move away from being dependent on their cars according to comprehensive research published today ...
People working in the health service and other public sector professionals are being asked for their views on how the NHS can improve its services for women and girls who have been victims of violence ...
The NHS 10 year plan is being put into effect with the take up of electronic systems to provide better support.NHS Direct, the largest telephone health advice service in the world, is to replace three ...
Harkness HShares dozens of inspiring stories of people who created their most satisfying careers at an age when others were simply ‘put out to pasture’. Charts a course of clear action steps for ...
Government to tackle one of the biggest tensions between the two.