(法新社上海16日电) 台风贝碧佳今天在上海登陆,是70多年来登陆上海最强台风,带来强风暴雨,导致航班取消、高速公路关闭。
Des affrontements entre des centaines de membres de clans rivaux ont fait au moins trente morts sur les hauts plateaux de ...
Mỹ sẽ tặng Việt Nam tàu tuần duyên thứ ba từ nay đến cuối năm 2024. Washington được cho là đang đàm phán bán máy bay vận tải ...
A 27-year-old man faces up to several years in jail for sedition, after pleading guilty Monday to wearing a protest T-shirt ...
Faced with Russia's war on Ukraine, EU chief Ursula von der Leyen has promised to name a designated defence commissioner as a ...
Near a wooden hut high up in the Kyrgyz mountains, scientist Gulbara Omorova walked to a pile of grey rocks, reminiscing how ...
Germany will from Monday expand border controls to the frontiers with all nine of its neighbours to stop irregular migrants ...
(法新社金边16日电) 柬埔寨一项森林碳权专案先前传出侵害当地人权而暂停并接受调查。经一年多稽查后,碳权认证机构Verra宣布专案缺失已改善,可恢复启动。但人权团体批评稽查根本不完备。
Dix députés du parti de l'ex-Premier ministre emprisonné Imran Khan placés mardi en préventive par un juge antiterroriste ...