Ashley Ashbaugh Hinsdale What made you want to play flag football? I've always wanted to play a school sport. I've been playing hockey my entire life. I do play on a high school team that is ...
For the first time the Hinsdale and Clarendon Hills Middle School bands combined to play to a full house at The Venue in Aurora in June. Jaya Fitzgerald, Alex Franses, Sachin Bhattacharyya and Audrey ...
Since becoming a pastor nearly a quarter of a century ago, Bill Kasper has led churches all over the country. He worked in New Mexico, Texas, Alaska and Washington before accepting his current ...
Every week for the entirety of her reign, Queen Elizabeth II met with her prime minister. No one was privy to the discussions that took place in a room on the first floor of Buckingham Palace. But ...
Tradition calls for the Red Devils' first Friday night football game to be toga day/night at Central. This year it seemed more students than ever took part in the event. The student section had the ...
Is there a family in your life that is not really family, but feels closer to you than if you were indeed related? A family whose kids you've watched grow up, reach, thrive? A family in which any ...
Every day, 47 children are diagnosed with cancer in this country. Compared to adult cancer, pediatric cancer is rare, but it is common enough that you likely know someone touched by it. This vicious ...
Kudos to the much maligned “two concerned parents of Hinsdale” who objected to LGBT-related books being purchased by school libraries. Bret Conway (Aug. 29 guest commentary) dismissed them as “morally ...
Dearest Hinsdaleans, welcome back to another exciting social season! I don't know about the rest of you, but summer seemed to fly by, especially with the excitement surrounding our local baseball and ...
Have you looked at your tax bill lately? The answer might be yes, if you’ve paid the second installment of property taxes in DuPage County recently. Or it might be no, if your taxes are rolled into ...
It's a common refrain in Hinsdale. "We pay high taxes to live here." And residents do - in part because their homes are worth a lot of money. But when they make that statement to Village President Tom ...
Cooler weather makes for comfortable running conditions. For those looking to pick up the pace this season, there are several ...